Monday, March 30, 2009

Busy weekend!

Hi all....on Friday Tom and Richard were busy working on facia and started roofing. One big snafu, which was my fault, was that I didn't go take a check to the business that was going to provide the roofing so they were going to not send out the roofing materials until Monday but Tom needed it on Friday to start, so he found another company that was willing to send it out right away! Whew...what a bummer!

The weather on Friday was pretty overcast and windy and rainy..ick! But they still hung in there a full day. Tom stayed to work on the house till dark. Melissa was worried because at 8:15 Tom hadn't shown up yet and so Hannah and I drove way to fast out to the house....I was thinking Tom was laying on the ground hurt or something! His phone was dead too...bummer!

He was OK...talking with a friend who helped him a little with the roof! Thank God because that was a big scare! Josiah was with his Grandpa and Nana Clark who came to pick him up for an overnighter since he hasn't seen them much lately! He had a blast of course!

Tom worked Saturday, thankfully, since Grandma Forrest came to stay with Hannah for the morning until Melissa got off was a very cold, windy, heavy rainy day and the guys still worked! Kudos guys! They eventually went inside to do some finish up some small details!

Tom worked Sunday as well for the morning until Melissa went to work at 1 pm and then Papa and Grandma Forrest came to take the kids for a couple more hours for Tom to finish his interior projects. He wants to focus on the roof tomorrow (today :{ )

So Tom's brother Jeremy should be coming to help Tom with the roof tomorrow unless their horse Bonnie ends up having her baby. He will be driving all the way from Spokane! Thank you Jeremy, you are awesome for helping! Tom & Jeremy owned their own roofing company in Spokane while they were both going to Eastern Washington University! It paid the bills and got them through school! Fun times!!

I will be posting a few video clips on the blog in the bottom where the pics are...I had uploaded them to the sidebar but they didn't fit so I had to delete them and it's 2 am so I'm not going to try again!

Goodnight...sweet dreams everyone!! God Bless you all!!

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